Looking at 2 Kings 2:1 Today

“And it came to pass, when the Lord would take up Elijah into heaven by a whirlwind, that Elijah went to Elisha from Gilgal.”

I will Wait, I will not leave- In 2 Kings chapter 2 it talks about how Elijah and Elisha had an encounter with each other.

How Elisha wanted what Elijah had ( the anointing of God)

How long will a person wait for the moving of God on your ministry? We find Elijah had just called Elisha in the ministry to help him. We find training that Elisha has to go through to receive his calling.

Verses 2-3-Different places we have to go through to receive our calling-

1st place Bethal is a place called “Knowledge” you must learn and keep learning to fulfill your calling with God. Learning to be a sponge and soak all you can up.

Verses 4-5

2nd place-Jericho-It’s a place between Destruction and Revival- A person doesn’t bring revival-you get on your knees. Remember the bigger the ministry the bigger the battle.

Verses 6-7

3rd place-Jordon-It’s a place of watering-Time to drink.

For us there is another place Acts 1:13-14-A place called the upper room. This place needs to be visited every day.

To receive the double portion, you need that upper room.